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Keyword Density is the percentage of occurrence of your keywords to the text in the rest of your webpage. It is important for your main keywords to have the correct keyword density to rank well in Search Engines. SEO tool to help webmasters analyze the keyword density from their web pages and include a tag cloud for easy display of the most important keywords from your site. Keyword density is the measurement in percentage from the number of times a keyword or phrase appears compared to the total number of words in a web page. Keyword Density tool to help webmasters analyze the keyword density from their webpages and include a tag cloud for easy display of the most important keywords from your site. Keyword density is the measurement in percentage from the number of times a keyword or phrase appears compared to the total number of words in a webpage.
Keyword density is arguably one of the most misunderstood aspects of SEO. Back in the day, some digital marketers would game the system through keyword stuffing to try to push their web rankings higher. But it doesn’t work that way anymore. Search engines today have become much smarter and more efficient. Search engines have gone through several major overhauls, especially Google’s Panda update, Hummingbird algorithm change, and the development of RankBrain. Google has confirmed that RankBrain, the machine learning (AI) algorithm, is the third most important factor in search ranking, after content and backlinks. It sorts the search results to understand search queries and measure how users interact with the results. This ranking factor means that although keyword density is essential to a certain degree, other factors like user experience now play a more critical role in SERP (Search Engine Results Page).
In the early 90s, most of the webmaster used this trick to rank their website in the search engines in no time. But with the passage of time search engines restricted their policies to improve search results. In its Panda update, Google marked all those websites spam, those were using the same keyword multiple times. Using a keyword 4-5 times is natural. Most of the SEO experts recommend it's percentage lower than 3%. More than that percentage is over optimization.
There is no single optimal or universal keyword density percentage. Each search query is unique & search engines compare (or normalize) documents against other top documents to determine some of their specific thresholds. Some keywords like "ipnone xs" naturally appear as a two-word phrase, whereas other terms may be more spread out. Further, some highly trusted websites with great awareness, strong usage data & robust link profiles can likely get away with more repetition than smaller, less trusted sites can.